Moving to a global circular economy comes with plenty of new opportunities and many challenges. Rademaker Consulting is an independent advisor offering a pragmatic and ‘in control’ approach towards the transition of the global circular economy.

Accelerating the global circular economy transition. Together.


  • Apply circular economy principles in practice

    Are you ready for a transformative journey towards circularity, and do you want to know more about how to make this a reality?

  • Measure and monitor progress

    Do you want to assess the circularity of your product, initiative, or organization, enhance reporting, and monitor progress?

  • Connect and collaborate

    Do you want to connect and team up with relevant partners to join the movement towards a global circular economy?

Collaboration partners.

“Working towards a world where we all can live in abundance and rethink the concept of growth. This is one of the reasons why I work with passion towards a global circular economy every single day.”

Getting ready for circularity

Are you not active yet - but willing to make a contribution - in the Circular Economy?

Rademaker Consulting published a management book which acts as a starting point and guide for any business decision maker who wants to contribute their skills towards the CE transition. It dives into the concept of a CE, and its underlying principles. It includes eight easy-to-understand areas that can be used by every individual, regardless of their specific country, sector, or department.